Non-Destruction Examination
- All NDE teqniques applied to our products complies with CWB, AWS and SNT-TC Standards
- Our rigorous Visual Inspection provide the finest appearance to the finished product
- Use of Radiography, Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant and Ultrasonic testing allows us to conform to our rigid quality standards and ensure the finished product is as good as it looks.
- In addition to traditional NDE approaches, Hooper Welding has the most advanced Digital Radiography equipment to perform expedited radiography of heavy wall construction. The use of TOFD (Time Of Flight Diffraction) and PAUT (Phased Array Inspection) offers an alternative, volumetric ultrasonic inspection. Both approaches are technological advancement to inspection and very efficient approaches to heavy wall construction.
- Our products are with In-built quality and among the best in the world because we follow NDE over and above the code requirements.
- It is the goal of Hooper Welding to achieve and exceed total customer satisfaction